Agile needs to evolve

We need to stop thinking in terms of story points or columns and focus on the conversations in the software development life cycle instead, the time they take and the value they bring - making the shift from an abstract to a result orientated culture.

Conversational Development is the next step in the evolution Agile, Find out why your team or organization should start using it.

Conversational Development is a living, breathing methodology that you can improve. Find out here.

Featured Articles

Why should you thread the conversation through all stages

Apr 23, 2017

Work consists of many disconnected conversations happening during meetings, phone calls, video conferencing, over email and team messaging or even at lunch or over drink after work. Efficient teams recognize the value of all these conversations and thread them together to create one narrative from idea to production – a single conversation threaded through all mediums of communication.

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Efficient teams use short conversation cycles to get more done

Apr 19, 2017

Efficient teams use shorter conversation cycles by identifying what is the Minimum Viable Change (MVC) that can bring value to customers. They are less concerned by delivering entire products or features in one go and instead ask what is the smallest aspect of the feature or product that can be shipped to bring value to the customer as soon as possible.

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